Saturday, April 12, 2008
Modeling Candy "Clay"

from Wilton Bridal Cakes

14 oz bag of Candy Melts (light or dark cocoa) - the bags now contain 12 oz. (I just added some white chocolate melts I had)

1/3 cup light corn syrup

Melt candy as directed on package. Stir in Corn syrup and mix only until blended.

Shape mixture onto a 6" square of waxed paper and let set at room temp. until dry

Wrap well and store at room temperature until needed. Modeling candy handles best if hardened overnight.

To use: If you wish to tint candy, add candy or icing to color. Knead a small portion at a time. If it gets too soft, set aside at room temperature or refrigerate briefly. Lasts for several weeks in a well-sealed container.

When rolling out candy, sprinkle surface with cornstarch to prevent sticking. Thickness of rolled-out candy should be approximately 1/8". Hint: Secure pieces together with dots of buttercream icing, if necessary.


posted by SuperCoolMom at 4:02 AM | Permalink |


  • At April 12, 2008 at 9:09 AM, Blogger Lynell

    You are amazing! My daughter would die to create something this beautiful. I really need to follow your example and get my booty into the kitchen!

  • At April 12, 2008 at 12:30 PM, Blogger janna

    You Rock the cake making! How much did you charge??

  • At April 12, 2008 at 2:41 PM, Blogger SuperCoolMom

    Not enough. My cost so far has been at least $100 plus. I charged them $150 - the foam cores cost about twice what I'd expected ($50). But it's been a really fun art project!

    I just told them not to tell anyone what they paid, because I'll never do one for that price again. If anyone asks me, I'm bidding crazy high - in the hope that they won't continue to ask, or else it will at least be worth my time.

  • At April 13, 2008 at 8:11 PM, Blogger Are You Serious!

    ♥ That looks so nice!