Monday, April 7, 2008
Eggs on Sale!!

Okay! Who can resist 18 eggs for 50 cents? I had to buy 4 cartons! I've heard about freezing them in icecube trays, but my fridge has an icemaker so I don't own one. Well, I do, but I didn't think that the silicone one with the things shaped for fitting the long icecubes into your water bottle would work very well. I just can't see the yolks fitting into those long slots. So, this is my solution! I sprayed it with Pam. Each cup holds slightly less than one egg. So I boiled the extras. I stuck the carton in the freezer with the good intention to dump the frozen eggs into a gallon freezer ziploc!


posted by SuperCoolMom at 5:42 PM | Permalink |